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She says they point to how bad relations likely are between the government

Agency is the sense of control that you feel in your life, your capacity to influence your own thoughts and behavior, and have faith...

he UN has raised concerns in recent weeks about a de-facto three month

Agency is the sense of control that you feel in your life, your capacity to influence your own thoughts and behavior, and have faith...

Mr Sarkozy denies any wrongdoing and is expected to appeal against the ruling.

Agency is the sense of control that you feel in your life, your capacity to influence your own thoughts and behavior, and have faith...

Ecuador police storm riot-hit jail where 116 died

Agency is the sense of control that you feel in your life, your capacity to influence your own thoughts and behavior, and have faith...

The brutal prison fight first broke out on Tuesday and officials had said

Agency is the sense of control that you feel in your life, your capacity to influence your own thoughts and behavior, and have faith...

Under longstan court preced and Nation Labor Relations

On behalf of the undersigned organizations and the millions of members, supporters and activists across America

CFIF Leads Coalition Urging Congress to Support the Save Local Business.

In a letter sent this week, a coalition of more than two dozen prominent free market organizations and individuals, led by the Center for Individual Freedom (CFIF), urged Congress to pass the Save Local Business Act.

Alarm për bombë, avioni i nisur nga Varshava bën ulje emergjente në Podgoricë

Një aeroplan i një kompanie polake ka bërë pasditen...

“Kush je ti që e përfaqëson komunitetin LGBT – pajtohna edhe me Burdushin”, Valon Syla i reagon ashpër Klinakut

Abdullah Klinaku politikan e pyeti analistin Valon Syla “kush...

Vrasja e biznesmenit Bedri Rexhepi, bashkëshortja e njërit të akuzuar thotë se nga mediat ka kuptuar për zhdukjen e tij

Bashkëshortja e të akuzuarit, Jeton Vllasaliu, në cilësinë e...

“Tung e ki, a të thashë mos fol sene që s’i din”, nxehet debati mes Zana Avdiu e Azdren Shalës

“Koalicionet fetare dhe kauza për Familjen”, është tema që...

Parashikimi i motit për të premten

Për të premten parashikohet të mbajë mot me vranësira...