Finlanda e mbron vendimin për të blerë armë izraelite, mosnjohjen e shtetit palestinez

Presidenti i Finlandës, Alexander Stubb, e ka mbrojtur vendimin...

Gjermania “ngrin” eksportet e armëve drejt Izraelit

Qeveria gjermane ka vendosur të “ngrijë” eksportet e armëve...

‘Godet’ Haradinaj: Kurti ka me e pas zor me i ikë burgut për korrupsion

Kreu i AAK-së, Ramush Haradinaj e ka akuzuar Qeverinë...

Tag: International

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he UN has raised concerns in recent weeks about a de-facto three month

Agency is the sense of control that you feel in your life, your capacity to influence your own thoughts and behavior, and have faith...

Ex-French president gets jail sentence over campaign funding

On behalf of the undersigned organizations and the millions of members, supporters and activists across America whom we collectively represent, we write to urge your support.

China hands out at least twice as much development money as the US and

Agency is the sense of control that you feel in your life, your capacity to influence your own thoughts and behavior, and have faith...

Ecuador police storm riot-hit jail where 116 died

Agency is the sense of control that you feel in your life, your capacity to influence your own thoughts and behavior, and have faith...

The brutal prison fight first broke out on Tuesday and officials had said

Agency is the sense of control that you feel in your life, your capacity to influence your own thoughts and behavior, and have faith...

Behalf of the undersigned organizations and the millions of members.

On behalf of the undersigned organizations and the millions of members, supporters and activists across America whom we collectively represent, we write to urge your support for the Save Local Business Act.

Finlanda e mbron vendimin për të blerë armë izraelite, mosnjohjen e shtetit palestinez

Presidenti i Finlandës, Alexander Stubb, e ka mbrojtur vendimin...

Gjermania “ngrin” eksportet e armëve drejt Izraelit

Qeveria gjermane ka vendosur të “ngrijë” eksportet e armëve...

‘Godet’ Haradinaj: Kurti ka me e pas zor me i ikë burgut për korrupsion

Kreu i AAK-së, Ramush Haradinaj e ka akuzuar Qeverinë...

Zgjedhjet në SHBA, Petritsch: Nëse Trump kthehet, do të ketë një politikë të ndryshme karshi Kosovës

Diplomati austriak dhe ish përfaqësuesi i Bashkimit Evropian në...